How Compliance Tech Is Enhancing Facilities Management

Two FM Compliance officers By Francis Lyons, CEO at ECAT.

No doubt everyone has heard about the value of electronic compliance software for ensuring regular, accurate reporting of facilities management activities. Here, ECAT CEO Francis Lyons talks about some of the additional, lesser‑known benefits that are catapulting facilities management into the future.

Introducing Compliance Tech

In days gone by, tech was commonly bought in by facilities management companies to help standardise reporting, demonstrate proof of presence, and increase efficiencies by cutting down on paperwork. Compliance tech can enable cleaning teams to upload information, and facilities management companies can locate, check, and share information at the click of a button. Indeed, data demonstrates that electronic compliance and action tools can save around 60% review time and increase operational efficiency by 30%.

Understanding The Data

With compliance tech firmly embedded, facilities management companies are now using the data provided to identify potential ‘hotspots’ and improve performance. This is achieved by analysing historical data to identify key trends and then further investigating them to understand the root‑cause of a problem before agreeing on corrective actions. This type of ‘altitude reporting’ is also valuable for identifying areas of excellence and replicating ‘best practice’ examples in other areas, thereby improving overall performance and satisfaction.

Altitude Reporting In Action

Let’s look at an example of altitude reporting in action. End‑users consistently complain about the standard of washroom facilities in one area of a building. Facilities managers can use altitude reporting to understand why this is happening – maybe the washroom in question is near a busy meeting room while other washrooms are used less regularly. Cleaning cycles can be adjusted, and cleaning teams can be redeployed to the relevant location, thereby ensuring resources are used more appropriately and end‑users are more satisfied with the service they receive.

Why Good Data Matters

As this example demonstrates, good data is critical for understanding hot spots and opportunities for improvement. And this is even more important during a cost‑of‑living crisis when margins are tighter than ever. With a greater understanding of where, when, and how cleaning teams are needed, facilities managers can better manage resources and deliver for customers and end‑users, ensuring high levels of service and business continuity.

Impact To Worker

Another perhaps lesser‑known benefit of using electronic compliance tools is the positive impact on employees. In days gone by, checklists were often used as a metaphorical stick to beat people with. But electronic compliance tools can empower employees to track tasks, provide proof of presence, proof of quality and report any issues swiftly – thereby enabling them to proudly demonstrate their accomplishments, substantiating service quality and standards.

Sustainability Benefits

With climate change top of the agenda, compliance tech can also deliver highly impactful sustainability benefits. By removing paper from the reporting process, companies can generate significant savings and improve their carbon footprint. One recent case study showed that the reduction in paperwork resulted in savings of 302.4kg of CO2 per year, saving 0.09 trees per year and 2,160lts of water. All thanks to compliance tech.

Elsewhere, compliance tools are being used to read QR codes on cleaning materials to ensure operatives use the right mix of chemical concentration and follow standard operating procedures (SOPs). This is not only an important health, safety, and compliance issue, but ensures only what is needed is used, protecting public health and our environment.

As organisations navigate the complexities of today’s rapidly evolving work landscape, electronic compliance tools have become indispensable for enhancing facilities management. They can streamline operations, increase efficiency, and ultimately deliver better outcomes. That’s why, increasingly, companies are turning to technology to support their needs, effortlessly elevating facilities management and ensuring an exceptional experience for employees, end‑users and brand reputation alike.

How Compliance Tech Is Enhancing Facilities Management