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FM Publications Limited COVID-19 Statement

At FM Publications Limited we are following the Government’s advice as regards working remotely, but to reassure all our readers, followers and clients, it’s otherwise business as usual.

We are certainly taking the spread of the COVID-19 virus extremely seriously and we would urge anyone still putting themselves and others at risk to please try to follow all the social distancing advice where they can.

To date, we have had no disruption to our production or our supply chain and most importantly, we have robust contingency plans in place.

Our main concern is that of our staff, our friends, our families and all our clients at this difficult time. Communication is of course vital and many of our industry trade and associated bodies, along with our advertisers, will have messages they wish to share, in order to maintain business continuity and confidence within the industry. We will remain fully available to assist with this, preserving normality as best we can and maintaining the essential brand presence for industry suppliers. We know this is crucial for our advertisers and the industry as a whole, with so many falling within the ‘key worker’ category.

We will get past this but we also appreciate that everyone will need help and assistance through these worrying times and that extends to the strain on businesses. Managing cashflow will be vital and the uncertainty will leave many questioning how long this will last and how can they reduce costs to mitigate risk. To enable consistency for our advertisers we have devised reduced packages for the next three to six months, designed to relieve the strain already being experienced or feared. Please see below for details:

Discounted 3 issue series offer details to assist during these difficult times

Half Page adverts just £175 per month / Full Page adverts just £300 per month

Including ALL of the following for the duration of the series…

  • A hyperlinked web button on our websites and
  • Directory entry details on the websites with full contact details and advert copy.
  • Regular Facebook posts including your advert and your chosen links.
  • Regular Twitter posts again encouraging followers to your products and services.
  • Coverage via a hyperlinked button on our weekly e-Newsletters, with advertorial if available.
  • Featured advertorial space to utilise within the printed magazine.
  • Promotion on our LinkedIn pages to assist with continually building company profile.
  • Regular Instagram posts with the advert and message included.


Facilities Management UK (FMUK) remains monthly

Football & Stadium Management (FSM) remains bi-monthly


Please keep safe, look after those most vulnerable and let’s work together to fight against this!


Best wishes,

Richard Murphy - Director

0161 763 8707 / 07500 778 302

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