Facilities Management UK (FMUK) is an industry-leading print magazine and digital news resource for those involved within facilities management.

Monolithic vs Modular UPS Systems

A corridor full of computer banks Luke Eiland, Service Manager, SolarEdge Critical Power Division.

Increasing demand for reliable power, coupled with the growing use of essential electrical equipment and digitization, is driving up adoption of UPS systems. While data centers, hospitals, and manufacturers were among the first to adopt the technology, demand for UPS systems is expanding to other users such as research facilities, schools, or anywhere with critical power applications. Considering the high stakes associated with energy failure, what are the most important factors to consider when choosing such a system?

Changing Models: Smart Buildings And Smart Finance

A building at night With governments around the world under increasing pressure to meet climate targets, Carolyn Newsham, Siemens Financial Services UK, discusses why a renovation of the UK’s building stock is needed, and how it can be intelligently funded.

Why The Secret To Energy Efficient Facilities Could Be Right Under Your Nose

A glass-fronted building Jordan Appleson, CEO & Co-founder, Hark.

With Covid restrictions now a distant memory across the UK, this year workers have already begun to flock back to the office, as February saw workplace occupancy rise to 27% - its highest level since the pandemic began.

Local Authority Carbon Neutral Strategies Are Adding To, Not Reducing, Their Carbon Footprint

Buildings illuminated by a sunset Almost nine in ten councils have declared a climate emergency – but faced with multiple, often contradictory, pressures and targets, how many have any confidence in the next steps to take? Most have highlighted the challenges of balancing carbon targets with budgetary constraints. Many recognise the problem in achieving change – especially retrofitting an extensive building estate with smart environmental technology – without massive, unpopular citizen upheaval.

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