Benefits of Physical Security Guarding

Benefits of Physical Security Guarding When it comes to security operations, many firms opt for technical security such as CCTV and alarms, rather than traditional physical security guarding. Technological security certainly has its benefits, they can operate 24/7 and be used to record events and security issues.

However, human security has many benefits which technology doesn’t. Some industries and commercial properties are better suited to physical security guarding, rather than relying on technology. Derek Neilson, Director at Apardion, discusses the benefits of physical security for a commercial site.

Visual Deterrent

First of all, the presence of security officers is often enough to deter potential intruders and vandals. CCTV security and alarms can also work as a deterrent, however, intruders are more inclined to break into a site with CCTV security, rather than security guards.

First of all, thefts can scout commercial properties with CCTV security, and take their time looking for blindspots or a window of opportunity to invade a property. It is harder for intruders to detect the actions and movements of security guards, especially if security carry out regular mobile patrol checks.

It is also difficult for intruders to scout a property with physical security guards, as they are likely to get noticed. CCTV security can effectively identify people once they intrude a property, however, they are not as effective at preventing a break-in as physical guards.

Emergency Response

Manned security guards are also adept at responding to emergencies, such as security threats, fires and medical. Security guards are qualified and receive thorough training in the event of an emergency situation. This allows them to stay calm and follow the correct procedure, as well as efficiently notify appropriate emergency services.

Onsite security can also act to stop and intervene in security threats. As mentioned, CCTV is effective at identifying intruders after an incident has taken place and it can work as a visual deterrent, however, this isn’t always enough to prevent an intrusion. Thefts will often attempt to sneak around CCTV security, or cover their faces.

In the event of this kind of intrusion, it is always useful having experienced and trained security guards on site. They may be able to catch the intruders, however, it is more realistic and important for security to protect your employees and customers.

With companies having insurance cover against theft and vandalism, the priority for business’ in the event of a break-in or to protect their employees and customers. Security officers and guards can serve as a calming influence for workers and physically protect them if need be. Often, it is safer to concentrate on protecting the people present rather than catching intruders, in case they are carrying weapons.

If it is only untrained employees present, they may attempt to engage the situation themselves, which is dangerous.

Safe Presence For Employees

Even when there is no security threat, it is beneficial for security staff to be present, for the welfare of employees and customers.

Staff and clients can feel comfortable reporting anything they deem as a potential threat, whether it is a person or maintenance issue which could affect the security of a site. This issue can be inspected by onsite guards and resolved quickly, rather than staff worrying about the issue and waiting for it to be resolved.

Onsite security guards give workers one less thing to worry about, improving their morale and productivity.

Work Conjunction With Technology

Physical security guards certainly bring many benefits to a commercial site, as does technology such as CCTV and alarms. However, a combination of technology and manned guarding is often the most effective security operation.

Technology can work effectively 24/7. CCTV can accurately identify intruders and alarms can warn provide audible warnings to intruders where no staff is present. However, the human element security, such as acting decisively under pressure and protecting workers is a service which technology cannot replace.

Security guards working with technology enables a trained person to monitor the entirety of a commercial property’s internal and external areas. They will be experienced and understand what threats to survey and report, whereas the untrained eye of a receptionist or administrator may be unaware of what to look out for or how to react in the case of a security threat.

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Benefits of Physical Security Guarding