PTSG's 5 company banner - Access And Safety Ltd, Electrical Services Ltd, Building Access Specialists Ltd, Fire Solutions Ltd, and Water Treatment Ltd

PTSG To Work At Cheltenham Ladies’ College

The front entrance to Cheltenham Ladies College

Premier Technical Services Group Ltd (PTSG) has secured a contract to provide specialist access and testing services for Cheltenham Ladies’ College.

Cheltenham Ladies’ College is an independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11 to 18 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Consistently ranked as one of the top all-girls’ schools nationally, the school was established in 1853 to provide “a sound academic education for girls”.

The school is made up of around 80% boarders and 20% day girls. Girls who board live in one of eleven boarding houses. There are six junior houses for 11- to 16-year-olds, and five senior houses for sixth form girls.

The school’s academic results are high, both compared to the national average and within the independent sector. From 2014 to 2017, the school reported that over two thirds of A-level results and approximately 90% of GCSE results were A* or A grades (figures from 2018).

Engineers from PTSG Access & Safety Ltd will test Mansafe systems, eyebolts, abseil anchors and ladder ties across buildings at the college. This will highlight any maintenance or remedial work that is required to keep the access and safety systems 100% safe and operational.

Working at height is, according to the Health and Safety Executive, one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries in the workplace. The safety of operatives working at height is always the first consideration for PTSG, which is why it is the first choice for the regular testing and inspection of safety systems.